Sunday, June 27, 2010

Play time!

Here's me with Banderbear playing a game of tug. Round and round we went till the toy was well and truly destroyed.

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Saturday, June 19, 2010

Holly and Me!

Holly and me playing on the lawn. We had to wait until Banderbear was alseep otherwise she gets all pirssy about Holly playing with me. She's a jelly belly!

That's Aura's head poking round the corner. She wasn't getting her feet wet for nothing.

Monday, June 14, 2010

A hole lot of trouble.

Look what I did! I dug a hole! No one helped me. I did it all alone. It's a water hole for me to wallow in when it gets really hot, till then I'll just keep enlarging it.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Resting in the sun

Even though it was sunny on and off today it was too cold to do much outside. We did shift some compost into the veggie garden and then we had a rest inside while the chooks where let out to shift it all round and pick out the bugs.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Me in my new home

Here's me with my best friend Banderbear. Isn't she lovely. She has this really cool toy to play with and she shared it with me.

We played really hard till we were tired out. Then Aura came along and told use to settle down before we broke a leg.

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Sunday, June 6, 2010

Gi'day cobbers!

Crikey, what are they doing to me? Shoved in a little plastic box, made to wait for hours, shoved in an aeroplane and not even given a window seat, let alone a meal.

Finally I get transported to a really cold shed, then these men come and look at me, and I was so pleased to see them I tinkled on the table!

Then it was off to this place with two other dogs just like me. And two furry things called kats. Me and the dogs had a bit of trouble understanding each other to start with cause they speak some sort of colonial dialect. Not the Queen's English like me.

I had heaps of fun there. We went to the beach and played in the sand, then later on in the day some more like me arrived. They spoke strangly too. But I really hit it off with one called Banderbear. She likes playing just like me.

The next day Banderbear and I went to a dog show. It was cool! So many people to talk to and dogs too.

Then off I went home with Banderbear. Far away from where I was born.